How far is Hanauma Bay from Ala Moana Hotel?
Hanauma Bay is about 10.5 miles southeast from Ala Moana Hotel, about a 25-minute drive.
What’s the best way to get there?
Shuttle tours are available with roundtrip service from Ala Moana Hotel for a fee, available through our concierge desk. The #22 city bus takes about an hour from Waikiki and is 5.50 USD roundtrip. You may also drive; there is limited parking with all-day security.
Is there an entry fee?
There a many packages and transportation options for Hanauma Bay. Please speak to our Concierge Desk to hear about guided and self-guided options on 808-941-3377
Where can I learn more about snorkeling at Hanauma Bay?
Please visit the official website, www.honolulu.gov/parks-hbay/.